
James O'Connor

Earth Observation Data Scientist

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About Me

I did a PhD at Kingston University London in Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing and worked as an Earth Observation Data Scientist at KisanHub for ~4 years. Since then, I've been working as a geospatial engineer at SatelliteVu.
I'm always interested in hearing about and participating in new work and research, so feel free to get in touch if you're interested in a collaboration.


Sentinel bot

Tweets a random image from the Sentinel2 satellite archives once an hour, first posting in 2014. Made using a simple python script and tweepy. Tweet lat,lon coordinates at it to get the most recent cloudfree image around that point!


OpenAQ provide APIs for querying open air quality data. Sentinel 5P provides the capability of producing readings of atmospheric pollutants from space. OpenAQ-S5 maps these data onto oe another, in search of correlations with the idea of being helpful for future model building. It uses AWS lambda and calls the MEEO STAC catalog to produce the mappings through an API.

Photogrammetric models

A sample of a 3D model created as part of my PhD in photogrammetry. Creation of LiDAR models (such as the GLAS globe pictured) are detailed on my blog.

Sentinel data explorer: Greece

A simple web server for delivering time series of satellite derived indices quickly to a user with a basic UI. Built with docker, geoserver, kubernetes and highcharts.js.

Refugee mapper

Complete a form with a country and date range to see the number of asylum applications from that country to European countries within that time. Data from Eurostat, made in 2013 to assist fact checking.

Satellite giffer

Generate colour gifs of Sentinel imagery using a leaflet map. I particularly like rasterio's ability to read geotagged images directly from storage buckets, in this case s3. Credit to Vincent Sargo for the Remote Pixel NDVI time series providing motivation!

Personal blog

I like to blog about Earth observation and web development principally, though I'm also interested in photography


UAV imaging paper

Cameras and settings for aerial surveys in the geosciences: optimizing image data reviews common issues with Remote Sensing and Photogrammetric data acquisition and makes recommendations for best practice. Published in Progress in Physical Geography.

Image quality talk

Here's a talk I gave at the Royal Geographical Society's AGM in 2016, discussing some of the issues introduced in the paper above.

EGU 2019 poster

A poster presenting relevant results from my PhD, which explored themes of image quality in Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing work


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